"God does not …" and "even if God did" shows ambivalence on Isaac's part, I suggest. Chock full of "errors" and "false prophecies"? Surely most of us have done far worse individually, if the full truth could be told. I know I'm still learning, even as the FDS admits to also. We all in that "biggest room in the house — the room for improvement". It is 1 Corinthians 13:12 states:— For at present we see in hazy outline by means of a metal mirror, but then it will be face to face. At present I know partially, but then I shall know accurately even as I am accurately known."
Spike Tassel
JoinedPosts by Spike Tassel
two witness ruling ?
by KAYTEE inif a paedophile commits a crime against a junior there has to be, according to the watchtower two witnesses for action to be taken.. if one party of a marriage commits adultery, does there have to be the same, (two witnesses) before action is taken?.
if not........................ kt.
The Last (Lord's) Supper
by PSacramento ini wanted to ask this question beacuse at the last memorial supper it caught my attention more than it ever did:.
why do some (not just the jw's) believe that judas did not partkae of the lord's supper, the bread and the wine?.
in the synoptic gospels of matt, mark and luke, there is nomention of judas being sent away, indeed in luke jesus says "behold the hand of the betrayer at the table with me".. while in john judas is sent away, he is sent after the supper, though it is not clear if this was the lord's supper since there is no mention of the the partaking of the wine and bread in john.. help would be greatly appreciated.. .
Spike Tassel
Isaac and I have our respective views. They are bound to differ, apparently. And Isaac's bound to have the last word, and for this I apparently must wait.
Romans 10:13
by PSacramento inwe all know that the passage from paul's letter to romans, romans 10:13 says:.
"all those who call on the name of the lord will be saved".. now, in the nwt they translate that as jehovah instead of the word "lord", because this is a quote from joel 2:32 and in the ot the tetragrammaton yhwh is used, which the nwt translates as "jehovah" (not only the nwt does that, the asv,yng and dby, do it also in regards to joel).. however, of the 16 translations i have seen, all translate that passage in romans as lords and all the commentaries i have read so far, point to view that paul was applying that passage to jesus, being his name that is salvation.. commentaries by james, fausset and brown, by matthew henry and by barnes, to name only 3.. comments?.
Spike Tassel
"Meeting Jesus" may not be an option. It depends on the fulfillment of the applicable scriptures. It's not "the bottom of this issue" , rather it is the top — it is the great issue of Universal Sovereignty. Matthew 4:4,7,10 remain the definitive verses on this. They were spoken by the heir apparent to the ruler of the day, Jesus the Greater David to Satan the Greater Saul.
Is God's name absent in the Christian Scriptures?
by Spike Tassel inperhaps this article will help you know for yourself: http://www.tetragrammaton.org/godsnameabsent.htm.
Spike Tassel
and the chattering continues …
two witness ruling ?
by KAYTEE inif a paedophile commits a crime against a junior there has to be, according to the watchtower two witnesses for action to be taken.. if one party of a marriage commits adultery, does there have to be the same, (two witnesses) before action is taken?.
if not........................ kt.
Spike Tassel
If any in a JC has a forensics background, that would be interesting! Satan is still under Jehovah's control, so we need not fear the worldly courts or even the JCs. None of them are Jehovah, after all.
The Last (Lord's) Supper
by PSacramento ini wanted to ask this question beacuse at the last memorial supper it caught my attention more than it ever did:.
why do some (not just the jw's) believe that judas did not partkae of the lord's supper, the bread and the wine?.
in the synoptic gospels of matt, mark and luke, there is nomention of judas being sent away, indeed in luke jesus says "behold the hand of the betrayer at the table with me".. while in john judas is sent away, he is sent after the supper, though it is not clear if this was the lord's supper since there is no mention of the the partaking of the wine and bread in john.. help would be greatly appreciated.. .
Spike Tassel
Hopefully the necessary evidence will yet be added in the scrolls we're awaiting.
The Last (Lord's) Supper
by PSacramento ini wanted to ask this question beacuse at the last memorial supper it caught my attention more than it ever did:.
why do some (not just the jw's) believe that judas did not partkae of the lord's supper, the bread and the wine?.
in the synoptic gospels of matt, mark and luke, there is nomention of judas being sent away, indeed in luke jesus says "behold the hand of the betrayer at the table with me".. while in john judas is sent away, he is sent after the supper, though it is not clear if this was the lord's supper since there is no mention of the the partaking of the wine and bread in john.. help would be greatly appreciated.. .
Spike Tassel
If, in fact, Judas did partake unworthily, that would add another couple of offences to the charges already against this "Judah surnamed Iscariot", as the Holy Name Bible referes to him.
Romans 10:13
by PSacramento inwe all know that the passage from paul's letter to romans, romans 10:13 says:.
"all those who call on the name of the lord will be saved".. now, in the nwt they translate that as jehovah instead of the word "lord", because this is a quote from joel 2:32 and in the ot the tetragrammaton yhwh is used, which the nwt translates as "jehovah" (not only the nwt does that, the asv,yng and dby, do it also in regards to joel).. however, of the 16 translations i have seen, all translate that passage in romans as lords and all the commentaries i have read so far, point to view that paul was applying that passage to jesus, being his name that is salvation.. commentaries by james, fausset and brown, by matthew henry and by barnes, to name only 3.. comments?.
Spike Tassel
With Acts 4:12, the key phrase here is "under heaven", I suggest. It is a different context from Romans 10:13, which is what this thread is about.
Jesus's Divinity
by PSacramento injust to confrim, do jw's believe that jesus is divine?.
not that jesus is god, which they obviously don't believe, but that jesus is divine, with the divien qualities of his father?.
also, do jw's beleive or agree that, in the new covenant, jesus has the primary role that was god's in the old covenant?.
Spike Tassel
I thank Isaac for his allowing me my understanding of John 17:3,6. Not "allowing" something doesn't prevent the something from happening, I suggest.
Is God's name absent in the Christian Scriptures?
by Spike Tassel inperhaps this article will help you know for yourself: http://www.tetragrammaton.org/godsnameabsent.htm.
Spike Tassel
I remain in fear of Jehovah and am not in fear of contrarians or those who adhere to superstitions. Thanks for all of your input.